API Reference

If you are reading this, you are probably looking for an in-depth explanation of API classes and methods to fully master your protocol development skills.


All protocols are set up, simulated and executed using a Robot class.

class opentrons.Robot

This class is the main interface to the robot.

Through this class you can can:

Each Opentrons protocol is a Python script. When evaluated the script creates an execution plan which is stored as a list of commands in Robot’s command queue.

Here are the typical steps of writing the protocol:
  • Using a Python script and the Opentrons API load your containers and define instruments (see Pipette).
  • Call reset() to reset the robot’s state and clear commands.
  • Write your instructions which will get converted into an execution plan.
  • Review the list of commands generated by a protocol commands().
  • connect() to the robot and call run() it on a real robot.

See Pipette for the list of supported instructions.


>>> from opentrons import robot, instruments, containers
>>> robot.reset()
<opentrons.robot.robot.Robot object at ...>
>>> plate = containers.load('96-flat', 'A1', 'plate')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='b', max_volume=200)
>>> p200.aspirate(200, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> robot.commands()
['Aspirating 200 at <Deck><Slot A1><Container plate><Well A1>']

Return a copy of a raw list of commands in the Robot’s queue.

add_instrument(axis, instrument)

Adds instrument to a robot.

  • axis (str) – Specifies which axis the instruments is attached to.
  • instrument (Instrument) – An instance of a Pipette to attached to the axis.


A canonical way to add to add a Pipette to a robot is:

from opentrons.instruments.pipette import Pipette
p200 = Pipette(axis='a')

This will create a pipette and call add_instrument() to attach the instrument.


Access the human-readable list of commands in the robot’s queue.

  • A list of string values for each command in the queue, for example
  • 'Aspirating 200uL at <Deck>/<Slot A1>/<Container plate>/<Well A1>'
connect(port=None, options=None)

Connects the robot to a serial port.

  • port (str) – OS-specific port name or 'Virtual Smoothie'
  • options (dict) – if port is set to 'Virtual Smoothie', provide the list of options to be passed to get_virtual_device()

Return type:

True for success, False for failure.


Returns the dict with all of the containers on the deck.


Access diagnostics information for the robot.

  • axis_homed — axis that are currently in home position.
  • switches — end stop switches currently hit.
  • steps_per_mm — steps per millimeter calibration

values for x and y axis.

Return type:Dictionary with the following keys

Disconnects from the robot.


Get MOSFET for a MagBead (URL).

Parameters:mosfet_index (int) – Number of a MOSFET on MagBead.
Return type:Instance of InstrumentMosfet.

Get robot’s head motor.

Parameters:axis ({'a', 'b'}) – Axis name. Please check stickers on robot’s gantry for the name.

Get current runtime warnings.

  • Runtime warnings accumulated since the last run()
  • or simulate().
head_speed(*args, **kwargs)

Set the XY axis speeds of the robot, set in millimeters per minute

Parameters:rate (int) – An integer setting the mm/minute rate of the X and Y axis. Speeds too fast (around 6000 and higher) will cause the robot to skip step, be careful when using this method


>>> from opentrons import robot
>>> robot.connect('Virtual Smoothie')
>>> robot.home()
>>> robot.head_speed(4500)
>>> robot.move_head(x=200, y=200)
home(*args, **kwargs)

Home robot’s head and plunger motors.


A string with axes to home. For example 'xyz' or 'ab'.

If no arguments provided home Z-axis then X, Y, B, A


Sometimes while executing a long protocol, a robot might accumulate precision error and it is recommended to home it. In this scenario, add robot.home('xyzab') into your script.


>>> from opentrons import Robot
>>> robot.connect('Virtual Smoothie')
>>> robot.home()
move_to(location, instrument=None, strategy='arc', **kwargs)

Move an instrument to a coordinate, container or a coordinate within a container.

  • location (one of the following:) – 1. Placeable (i.e. Container, Deck, Slot, Well) — will move to the origin of a container. 2. Vector move to the given coordinate in Deck coordinate system. 3. (Placeable, Vector) move to a given coordinate within object’s coordinate system.
  • instrument – Instrument to move relative to. If None, move relative to the center of a gantry.
  • strategy ({'arc', 'direct'}) –

    arc : move to the point using arc trajectory avoiding obstacles.

    direct : move to the point in a straight line.


>>> from opentrons import Robot
>>> robot.reset()
<opentrons.robot.robot.Robot object at ...>
>>> robot.connect('Virtual Smoothie')
>>> robot.home()
>>> plate = robot.add_container('96-flat', 'A1', 'plate')
>>> robot.move_to(plate[0])
>>> robot.move_to(plate[0].top())

Pauses execution of the protocol. Use resume() to resume

Resets the state of the robot and clears:
  • Deck
  • Instruments
  • Command queue
  • Runtime warnings

Resume execution of the protocol after pause()


Stops execution of the protocol.


class opentrons.instruments.Pipette(robot, axis, name=None, channels=1, min_volume=0, max_volume=None, trash_container=None, tip_racks=[], aspirate_speed=300, dispense_speed=500)
Through this class you can can:
Here are the typical steps of using the Pipette:
  • Instantiate a pipette with a maximum volume (uL)

and an axis (a or b) * Design your protocol through the pipette’s liquid-handling commands

  • axis (str) – The axis of the pipette’s actuator on the Opentrons robot (‘a’ or ‘b’)
  • name (str) – Assigns the pipette a unique name for saving it’s calibrations
  • channels (int) – The number of channels on this pipette (Default: 1)
  • min_volume (int) – The smallest recommended uL volume for this pipette (Default: 0)
  • max_volume (int) – The largest uL volume for this pipette (Default: min_volume + 1)
  • trash_container (Container) – Sets the default location drop_tip() will put tips (Default: None)
  • tip_racks (list) – A list of Containers for this Pipette to track tips when calling pick_up_tip() (Default: [])
  • aspirate_speed (int) – The speed (in mm/minute) the plunger will move while aspirating (Default: 300)
  • dispense_speed (int) – The speed (in mm/minute) the plunger will move while dispensing (Default: 500)

Return type:

A new instance of Pipette.


>>> from opentrons import instruments, containers
>>> p1000 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a', max_volume=1000)
>>> tip_rack_200ul = containers.load('tiprack-200ul', 'A1')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(
...     name='p200',
...     axis='b',
...     max_volume=200,
...     tip_racks=[tip_rack_200ul])
aspirate(volume=None, location=None, rate=1.0)

Aspirate a volume of liquid (in microliters/uL) using this pipette


If no location is passed, the pipette will aspirate from it’s current position. If no volume is passed, aspirate will default to it’s max_volume

  • volume (int or float) – The number of microliters to aspirate (Default: self.max_volume)
  • location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the aspirate. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
  • rate (float) – Set plunger speed for this aspirate, where speed = rate * aspirate_speed (see set_speed())

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(
...     name='p200', axis='a', max_volume=200)
>>> # aspirate 50uL from a Well
>>> p200.aspirate(50, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # aspirate 50uL from the center of a well
>>> p200.aspirate(50, plate[1].bottom())
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # aspirate 20uL in place, twice as fast
>>> p200.aspirate(20, rate=2.0)
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # aspirate the pipette's remaining volume (80uL) from a Well
>>> p200.aspirate(plate[2])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>

Force any remaining liquid to dispense, by moving this pipette’s plunger to the calibrated blow_out position


If no location is passed, the pipette will blow_out from it’s current position.

Parameters:location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the blow_out. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(name='p200', axis='a', max_volume=200)
>>> p200.aspirate(50).dispense().blow_out()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>

Calibrate a saved plunger position to the robot’s current position


This will only work if the API is connected to a robot

Parameters:position (str) – Either “top”, “bottom”, “blow_out”, or “drop_tip”
Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> robot = Robot()
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a')
>>> robot.move_plunger(**{'a': 10})
>>> # save plunger 'top' to coordinate 10
>>> p200.calibrate('top')
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
calibrate_position(location, current=None)

Save the position of a Placeable (usually a Container) relative to this pipette.


The saved position will be persisted under this pipette’s name and axis (see Pipette)

  • location (tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – A tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
  • current (Vector) – The coordinate to save this container to (Default: robot current position)

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.


>>> robot.reset()
<opentrons.robot.robot.Robot object at ...>
>>> tiprack = containers.load('tiprack-200ul', 'A1')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a')
>>> robot.move_head(x=100, y=100, z=100)
>>> rel_pos = tiprack[0].from_center(x=0, y=0, z=-1, reference=tiprack)
>>> p200.calibrate_position((tiprack, rel_pos))
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
delay(seconds=0, minutes=0)
Parameters:seconds (float) – The number of seconds to freeeze in place.
dispense(volume=None, location=None, rate=1.0)

Dispense a volume of liquid (in microliters/uL) using this pipette


If no location is passed, the pipette will dispense from it’s current position. If no volume is passed, dispense will default to it’s current_volume

  • volume (int or float) – The number of microliters to dispense (Default: self.current_volume)
  • location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the dispense. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
  • rate (float) – Set plunger speed for this dispense, where speed = rate * dispense_speed (see set_speed())

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(name='p200', axis='a', max_volume=200)
>>> # fill the pipette with liquid (200uL)
>>> p200.aspirate(plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # dispense 50uL to a Well
>>> p200.dispense(50, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # dispense 50uL to the center of a well
>>> relative_vector = plate[1].center()
>>> p200.dispense(50, (plate[1], relative_vector))
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # dispense 20uL in place, at half the speed
>>> p200.dispense(20, rate=0.5)
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # dispense the pipette's remaining volume (80uL) to a Well
>>> p200.dispense(plate[2])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
drop_tip(location=None, home_after=True)

Drop the pipette’s current tip


If no location is passed, the pipette defaults to its trash_container (see Pipette)

Parameters:location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the drop_tip. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> robot.reset()
<opentrons.robot.robot.Robot object at ...>
>>> tiprack = containers.load('tiprack-200ul', 'A1')
>>> trash = containers.load('point', 'A1')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a', trash_container=trash)
>>> p200.pick_up_tip(tiprack[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # drops the tip in the trash
>>> p200.drop_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.pick_up_tip(tiprack[1])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # drops the tip back at its tip rack
>>> p200.drop_tip(tiprack[1])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>

Home the pipette’s plunger axis during a protocol run


Pipette.home() homes the Robot

Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a')
>>> p200.home()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
mix(repetitions=1, volume=None, location=None, rate=1.0)

Mix a volume of liquid (in microliters/uL) using this pipette


If no location is passed, the pipette will mix from it’s current position. If no volume is passed, mix will default to it’s max_volume

  • repetitions (int) – How many times the pipette should mix (Default: 1)
  • volume (int or float) – The number of microliters to mix (Default: self.max_volume)
  • location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the mix. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
  • rate (float) – Set plunger speed for this mix, where speed = rate * (aspirate_speed or dispense_speed) (see set_speed())

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(name='p200', axis='a', max_volume=200)
>>> # mix 50uL in a Well, three times
>>> p200.mix(3, 50, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # mix 3x with the pipette's max volume, from current position
>>> p200.mix(3)
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
move_to(location, strategy='arc')

Move this Pipette to a Placeable on the Deck


Until obstacle-avoidance algorithms are in place, Robot and Pipette move_to() use either an “arc” or “direct”

  • location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The destination to arrive at
  • strategy ("arc" or "direct") – “arc” strategies (default) will pick the head up on Z axis, then over to the XY destination, then finally down to the Z destination. “direct” strategies will simply move in a straight line from the current position

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.

pick_up_tip(location=None, presses=3)

Pick up a tip for the Pipette to run liquid-handling commands with


A tip can be manually set by passing a location. If no location is passed, the Pipette will pick up the next available tip in it’s tip_racks list (see Pipette)

Parameters:location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the pick_up_tip. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> robot.reset()
<opentrons.robot.robot.Robot object at ...>
>>> tiprack = containers.load('tiprack-200ul', 'A1')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a', tip_racks=[tiprack])
>>> p200.pick_up_tip(tiprack[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.return_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> # `pick_up_tip` will automatically go to tiprack[1]
>>> p200.pick_up_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.return_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>

Drop the pipette’s current tip to it’s originating tip rack


This method requires one or more tip-rack Container to be in this Pipette’s tip_racks list (see Pipette)

Return type:This instance of Pipette.


>>> tiprack = containers.load('tiprack-200ul', 'A1')
>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(axis='a',
...     tip_racks=[tiprack], max_volume=200, name='p200')
>>> p200.pick_up_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.aspirate(50, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.dispense(plate[1])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.return_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>

Set the speed (mm/minute) the Pipette plunger will move during aspirate() and dispense()

Parameters:kwargs (Dict) – A dictionary who’s keys are either “aspirate” or “dispense”, and who’s values are int or float (Example: {“aspirate”: 300})
touch_tip(location=None, radius=1.0)

Touch the Pipette tip to the sides of a well, with the intent of removing left-over droplets


If no location is passed, the pipette will touch_tip from it’s current position.

  • location (Placeable or tuple(Placeable, Vector)) – The Placeable (Well) to perform the touch_tip. Can also be a tuple with first item Placeable, second item relative Vector
  • radius (float) – Radius is a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0, describing the percentage of a well’s radius. When radius=1.0, touch_tip() will move to 100% of the wells radius. When radius=0.5, touch_tip() will move to 50% of the wells radius.

Return type:

This instance of Pipette.


>>> p200 = instruments.Pipette(name='p200', axis='a', max_volume=200)
>>> p200.aspirate(50, plate[0])
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>
>>> p200.dispense(plate[1]).touch_tip()
<opentrons.instruments.pipette.Pipette object at ...>