Hardware Modules

This documentation and modules API is subject to change. Check here or on our github for updated information.

This code is only valid on software version 3.3.0 or later.

Loading your Module onto a deck

Just like labware, you will also need to load in your module in order to use it within a protocol. To do this, you call:

from opentrons import modules

module = modules.load("Module Name", slot)

Above, Module Name represents either tempdeck or magdeck.

To add a labware onto a given module, you will need to use the share=True call-out

from opentrons import labware

labware = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)

Where slot is the same slot in which you loaded your module.

Detecting your Module on the robot

The Run App auto-detects and connects to modules that are plugged into the robot upon robot connection. If you plug in a module with the app open and connected to your robot already, you can simply navigate to the Pipettes & Modules in the Run App and hit the refresh icon.

If you are running a program outside of the app, you will need to initiate robot connection to the module. This can be done like the following:

from opentrons import modules, robot


module = modules.load("Module Name", slot)
... etc

Checking the status of your Module

Both modules have the ability to check what state they are currently in. To do this run the following:

from opentrons import modules

module = modules.load("Module Name", slot)
status = module.status

For the temperature module this will return a string stating whether it’s heating, cooling, holding at target or idle. For the magnetic module this will return a string stating whether it’s engaged or disengaged.

Temperature Module

Our temperature module acts as both a cooling and heating device. The range of temperatures this module can reach goes from 4 to 95 degrees celsius with a resolution of 1 degree celcius.

The temperature module has the following methods that can be accessed during a protocol.

Set Temperature

To set the temperature module to a given temperature in degrees celsius do the following:

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("tempdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)


This will set your Temperature module to 4 degrees celsius.

Wait Until Setpoint Reached

This function will pause your protocol until your target temperature is reached.

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("tempdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)


Before using wait_for_temp() you must set a target temperature with set_temperature(). Once the target temperature is set, when you want the protocol to wait until the module reaches the target you can call wait_for_temp().

If no target temperature is set via set_temperature(), the protocol will be stuck in an indefinite loop.

Read the Current Temperature

You can read the current real-time temperature of the module by the following:

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("tempdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)

temperature = module.temperature

This will return a float of the temperature in celsius.

Read the Target Temperature

We can read the target temperature of the module by the following:

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("tempdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)

temperature = module.target

This will return a float of the temperature that the module is trying to reach.


This function will stop heating or cooling and will turn off the fan on the module. You would still be able to call set_temperature() function to initiate a heating or cooling phase again.

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("tempdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-flat", slot, share=True)




** Note** You can also deactivate your temperature module through our Run App by clicking on the Pipettes & Modules tab. Your temperature module will automatically deactivate if another protocol is uploaded to the app. Your temperature module will not deactivate automatically upon protocol end, cancel or re-setting a protocol.

Magnetic Module

The magnetic module has two actions:

  • engage: The magnetic stage rises to a default height unless an offset or a custom height is specified

  • disengage: The magnetic stage moves down to its home position

The magnetic module api is currently fully compatible with the BioRad Hardshell 96-PCR (.2ml) well plates. The magnets will default to an engaged height of about 4.3 mm from the bottom of the well (or 18mm from magdeck home position). This is roughly 30% of the well depth. This engaged height has been tested for an elution volume of 40ul.

You can also specify a custom engage height for the magnets so you can use a different labware with the magdeck. In the future, we will have adapters to support tuberacks as well as deep well plates.


from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("magdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("biorad-hardshell-96-PCR", slot, share=True)


If you deem that the default engage height is not ideal for your applications, you can include an offset in mm for the magnet to move to. The engage function will take in a value (positive or negative) to offset the magnets from the default position.

To move the magnets higher than the default position you would specify a positive mm offset such as: module.engage(offset=4)

To move the magnets lower than the default position you would input a negative mm value such as: module.engage(offset=-4)

You can also use a custom height parameter with engage():

from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("magdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("96-deep-well", slot, share=True)


The height should be specified in mm from the magdeck home position (i.e. the position of magnets when power-cycled or disengaged)

** Note ** engage() and engage(offset=y) can only be used for labware that have default heights defined in the api. If your labware doesn’t yet have a default height definition and your protocol uses either of those methods then you will get an error. Simply use the height parameter to provide a custom height for you labware in such a case.


from opentrons import modules, labware

module = modules.load("magdeck", slot)
plate = labware.load("biorad-hardshell-96-PCR", slot, share=True)


The magnetic modules will disengage on power cycle of the device. It will not auto-disengage otherwise unless you specify in your protocol.