Using Parameters

Once you’ve defined parameters, their values are accessible anywhere within the run() function of your protocol.

The params Object

Protocols with parameters have a ProtocolContext.params object, which contains the values of all parameters as set during run setup. Each attribute of params corresponds to the variable_name of a parameter.

For example, consider a protocol that defines the following three parameters:

  • add_bool with variable_name="dry_run"

  • add_int with variable_name="sample_count"

  • add_float with variable_name="volume"

Then params will gain three attributes: params.dry_run, params.sample_count, and params.volume. You can use these attributes anywhere you want to access their values, including directly as arguments of methods.

if protocol.params.dry_run is False:
    pipette.mix(repetitions=10, volume=protocol.params.volume)

You can also save parameter values to variables with names of your choosing.

Parameter Types

Each attribute of params has the type corresponding to its parameter definition. Keep in mind the parameter’s type when using its value in different contexts.

Say you wanted to add a comment to the run log, stating how many samples the protocol will process. Since sample_count is an int, you’ll need to cast it to a str or the API will raise an error.

    "Processing " + str(protocol.params.sample_count) + " samples."

Also be careful with int types when performing calculations: dividing an int by an int with the / operator always produces a float, even if there is no remainder. The sample count use case converts a sample count to a column count by dividing by 8 — but it uses the // integer division operator, so the result can be used for creating ranges, slicing lists, and as int argument values without having to cast it in those contexts.


Since params is only available within the run() function, there are certain aspects of a protocol that parameter values can’t affect. These include, but are not limited to the following:



import statements

At the beginning of the protocol.

Robot type (Flex or OT-2)

In the requirements dictionary.

API version

In the requirements or metadata dictionary.

Protocol name

In the metadata dictionary.

Protocol description

In the metadata dictionary.

Protocol author

In the metadata dictionary.

Other runtime parameters

In the add_parameters() function.

Non-nested function definitions

Anywhere outside of run().

Additionally, keep in mind that updated parameter values are applied by reanalyzing the protocol. This means you can’t depend on updated values for any action that takes place prior to reanalysis.

An example of such an action is applying labware offset data. Say you have a parameter that changes the type of well plate you load in a particular slot:

# within add_parameters()
    display_name="Well plate type",
        {"display_name": "Corning", "value": "corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat"},
        {"display_name": "NEST", "value": "nest_96_wellplate_200ul_flat"},

# within run()
plate = protocol.load_labware(
    load_name=protocol.params.plate_type, location="D2"

When performing run setup, you’re prompted to apply offsets before selecting parameter values. This is your only opportunity to apply offsets, so they’re applied for the default parameter values — in this case, the Corning plate. If you then change the “Well plate type” parameter to the NEST plate, the NEST plate will have default offset values (0.0 on all axes). You can fix this by running Labware Position Check, since it takes place after reanalysis, or by using Labware.set_offset() in your protocol.