Module Setup

Loading Modules onto the Deck

Similar to labware and pipettes, you must inform the API about the modules you want to use in your protocol. Even if you don’t use the module anywhere else in your protocol, the Opentrons App and the robot won’t let you start the protocol run until all loaded modules that use power are connected via USB and turned on.

Use ProtocolContext.load_module() to load a module.

from opentrons import protocol_api

requirements = {"robotType": "Flex", "apiLevel": "2.21"}

def run(protocol: protocol_api.ProtocolContext):
    # Load a Heater-Shaker Module GEN1 in deck slot D1.
    heater_shaker = protocol.load_module(
      module_name="heaterShakerModuleV1", location="D1")

    # Load a Temperature Module GEN2 in deck slot D3.
    temperature_module = protocol.load_module(
      module_name="temperature module gen2", location="D3")

After the load_module() method loads the modules into your protocol, it returns the HeaterShakerContext and TemperatureModuleContext objects.

New in version 2.0.

Available Modules

The first parameter of ProtocolContext.load_module() is the module’s API load name. The load name tells your robot which module you’re going to use in a protocol. The table below lists the API load names for the currently available modules.


API Load Name

Introduced in API Version

Temperature Module GEN1

temperature module or tempdeck


Temperature Module GEN2

temperature module gen2


Magnetic Module GEN1

magnetic module or magdeck


Magnetic Module GEN2

magnetic module gen2


Thermocycler Module GEN1

thermocycler module or thermocycler


Thermocycler Module GEN2

thermocycler module gen2 or thermocyclerModuleV2


Heater-Shaker Module GEN1



Magnetic Block GEN1



Absorbance Plate Reader Module



Some modules were added to our Python API later than others, and others span multiple hardware generations. When writing a protocol that requires a module, make sure your requirements or metadata code block specifies an API version high enough to support all the module generations you want to use.

Loading Labware onto a Module

Use the load_labware() method on the module context to load labware on a module. For example, to load the Opentrons 24 Well Aluminum Block on top of a Temperature Module:

def run(protocol: protocol_api.ProtocolContext):
    temp_mod = protocol.load_module(
      module_name="temperature module gen2",
    temp_labware = temp_mod.load_labware(
        label="Temperature-Controlled Tubes")

New in version 2.0.

When you load labware on a module, you don’t need to specify the deck slot. In the above example, the load_module() method already specifies where the module is on the deck: location= "D1".

Any custom labware added to your Opentrons App is also accessible when loading labware onto a module. You can find and copy its load name by going to its card on the Labware page.

New in version 2.1.

Module and Labware Compatibility

It’s your responsibility to ensure the labware and module combinations you load together work together. The API generally won’t raise a warning or error if you load an unusual combination, like placing a tube rack on a Thermocycler. The API will raise an error if you try to load a labware on an unsupported adapter. When working with custom labware and module adapters, be sure to add stacking offsets for the adapter to your custom labware definition.

Additional Labware Parameters

In addition to the mandatory load_name argument, you can also specify additional parameters. For example, if you specify a label, this name will appear in the Opentrons App and the run log instead of the load name. For labware that has multiple definitions, you can specify version and namespace (though most of the time you won’t have to). The load_labware() methods of all module contexts accept these additional parameters.